Day 48 - As Women, We Often Don't Speak Up About Our Needs

YES!  I love sex labs. This is where, instead of just doing whatever comes to us, we have a specific mission. Tonight the mission was for me to share with D.Love exactly how I wanted my nipples to be touched, licked and sucked. We hadn’t taken the time to actually explore this and I was excited to share with him in a positive way...never criticizing, but sharing what I like.

It’s weird that I never spoke up to him about how much nipple stimulation had changed for me since breastfeeding. I didn’t really tell him that it hurt and was irritating. It’s a frequent thing that we women do...we don’t speak up for fear of hurting our partner’s feelings, because we don’t want to ruin the moment. Or worst of all, because we think our partner should read our minds.

This session was particularly great because together we discovered lots of things that did feel really great. Now D.Love has great information about my nipples, and in the future I will be receiving much more pleasure.

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